Beginners Pilates
Why Beginners?
Our Beginners Pilates classes aim to allow you to gradually get to grips with the basic exercises and breathing techniques.
Is Beginners Pilates for me?
Beginners classes are suitable for those who have little or no previous Pilates experience. The class focuses on technique, isolation and correct activation of muscle groups, but are still a workout. Beginners classes are suitable for you if you have back pain, a musculoskeletal injury or health condition and you wish to return to an active healthy lifestyle. You will be closely monitored by our Pilates instructors, all of whom are physiotherapists. This allows them to tailor the exercises to your needs, and adjust any exercises which you may have difficulty with.
If you have injury concerns or are recovering from an injury or pain, then please make sure you fill in the medical form. You can get in touch via email with Tess first to discuss the best class and management.
What can I expect?
The classes are mat based and will focus on the key principles of Pilates and will help develop your strength, tone, flexibility and improve your posture. A basic level of fitness is helpful but not essential. You will be introduced to small Pilates equipment throughout the block, which adds variety to the classes and exercises.
What should I bring?
You will need a mat and a Pilates equipment pack which can be purchased here. Our instructors do carry spare packs if you are looking to trial the class first. Dress as you would for a fitness class, we do the class in bare feet or socks. Bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated! Please note on your first class, we ask that you arrive at least 5 minutes early. This is to allow you enough time to discuss any issues with the instructor. Prior to commencing the class you will be asked to fill in a medical screening form (this is standard procedure for all participants).
Live Classes
Monday 6.15pm – 7pm
Old School House,
Morningside (opposite Waitrose)
Tuesday 10.30am – 11.15pm (clinical/beginners) – Marchmont St Giles
Thursday 10.30am – 11.15am
Myreside Pavillion

All Levels
Why All Levels?
Our All Levels classes are suitable for all abilities, including complete beginners (with a degree of background fitness). Your instructor will offer options within the class, allowing you to work at your own level. If you are looking for a step up to the next level from beginners, then this is the class for you.
Is All Levels Pilates for me?
All Levels classes are ideal for maintenance of health, prevention of musculoskeletal pain and can also help rehabilitate after injury. You will be closely monitored by our Pilates instructors, all of whom are physiotherapists. This allows them to tailor the exercises to your needs, and adjust any exercises which you are having difficulty with. If you are concerned about recent injury or pain, then you can get in touch via email ([email protected]) with Tess first to discuss the best class and management.
What can I expect?
The classes are mat based and will focus on developing the key principles of Pilates and will help develop your strength, tone, flexibility and improve your posture. Expect more variety than a beginners class, working through different levels of exercises but there are always modifications and options available. Small equipment will be used within the class, allowing the instructor to add variety to the class, and increase the difficulty of the exercises. Prior to starting the class you will be asked to fill in a medical screening form (this is standard procedure for all participants).
What should I bring?
You will require a mat and a small equipment pack which you can purchase online. Your instructor will have spares for your first session. Dress as you would for a fitness class, we do the class in bare feet or socks. Bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated!

Live Streamed Classes
Monday 9-10am
Live Classes
Monday 7.10-8.10pm
Old School House,
Why Intermediate/Advanced/Sculpt?
If you are looking for a dynamic, fun and challenging Pilates workout these are the classes for you – not for the faint-hearted! The intermediate/advanced classes are designed for those who are confident with the foundations of Pilates and are able to execute the exercises with expert control. The classes are designed to be highly functional, high paced and intense. The focus is on further developing your overall strength and endurance for the more experienced Pilates goer.
Is Intermediate/Advanced Pilates for me?
Designed by our physiotherapists, the classes are for those individuals who are both active and athletic, functioning at a high level but are also looking for maintenance of health and well-being as well as prevention of injury. Advanced Pilates can be complementary to other high-loading sports e.g. running. You need to be proficient with Pilates and be ready to push yourself harder and further. You’ll need good levels of fitness, stamina, flexibility, core strength and technical capability. (Please ask your instructor if you’re not sure about this class).
What can I expect?
The classes are mat based but there is a large focus on using body weight for strength as well as small hand weights. There is a highly functional component to the class and expect to get sweaty as there will be some cardio/interval training in the class! Prior to commencing the class you will be asked to fill in a medical screening form (this is standard procedure for all participants).
What should I bring?
You will require a small equipment pack with hand weights which you can purchase online. Your instructor will have spares for your first session. Dress as you would for a fitness class, we do the class in bare feet or socks. Bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated and perhaps a towel!
Outdoor fitness Pilates
Summer blocks:
Next Block, Starting in May 2025
Pilates Bootcamp:
January block – Saturday morning’s 8am (January 2025)
Live Outdoor Classes:
Thursday 9am – 9.45am
Fitness Pilates (Meadowspot Field)
Live Sculpt Classes
Thursday 7pm-8pm
(Old Schoolhouse, Morningside)
Barre Classes
Monday 8.15-9pm
(Old Schoolhouse, Morningside)

Antenatal Pilates
Why Antenatal Pilates?
As expectant mothers know, your body experiences a huge amount of change whilst pregnant. Current evidence suggests that a moderate intensity exercise is important during your pregnancy for prevention of many health issues (www.rcog.org.uk). Our Physiotherapy led Antenatal classes are a great way to help with changes occurring in pregnancy and suitable for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy (6-42 weeks). In addition to the fitness and health benefits of exercise during pregnancy, our physiotherapists have had specialised training in antenatal care specifically looking at prevention of pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain and other musculoskeletal issues. You can feel happy that the exercises given are safe for both baby and mother. Antenatal classes are a great way to meet like-minded Mums to be too!
Is Antenatal Pilates for me?
The aims of the class are to help you appropriately maintain the strength of your core and pelvic floor from first trimester to full-term pregnancy, incorporating the key principles of Pilates. Improved strength and endurance can help with the demands of childbirth, specifically reducing your risk of low back and other musculoskeletal complications. The exercises will be adapted to your stage of pregnancy, allowing you to exercise safely throughout your pregnancy. We can also adapt exercises for pre-existing complaints/conditions. It is advisable to start the classes as soon as you can – 1st trimester into beginning of 2nd trimester.
What can I expect?
The classes are mat based, less intense than your standard class but varied and specific to the needs of pregnancy. We encourage a lot of pelvic stability work in standing and adapt mat exercises into high kneeling and seated. A basic level of fitness is required. You will be closely monitored by our Pilates instructors, all of whom are physiotherapists. This allows them to tailor the exercises to your needs, and adjust any exercises which you are having difficulty with. You will receive a supplementary home exercise booklet with the class for exercise at home.
What should I bring?
You will require a mat. Dress as you would for a fitness class- we do the class in bare feet or socks. Bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated! We request you use two cushions from to assist with positioning (from 12 weeks+ of your pregnancy). Prior to commencing the class you will be asked to fill in a medical screening form (this is standard procedure for all participants). If you have any post-natal concerns, we might advise you to contact Tess via email ([email protected]) prior to starting the class (take out 1:1 session)
Why Postnatal Pilates/Barre?
Our postnatal classes are designed specifically with mums in mind. Whether you are looking to get back into exercise or feel like you need some postnatal rehabilitation this is the class for you. You can begin classes as early as 6 weeks (post GP check). The classes will help your body adapt to the postural demands of having a baby, while at the same time help you gain pelvic floor control and abdominal strength in a safe and graded environment. Our postnatal Pilates/Barre class instructors are all Physiotherapists who have had additional expert training in postnatal rehabilitation (including diastasis recti separation, pelvic floor muscle control and pelvic girdle stability) and have designed the classes to focus on recovery from the demands of pregnancy and childbirth. They will help you regain your pre-pregnancy figure, and help you prepare for life with a little one.
Is Postnatal Pilates for me?
The aims of the class are to help you regain the strength of your core and pelvic floor from the initial postnatal stages to getting you ready/fit for exercise again. We can adapt exercises for pre-existing complaints/conditions as well as modify and increase the difficulty for those with more experience, allowing for progressions in endurance, strength and stability. You can bring your baby along to the class. Small equipment will be used within the class, allowing the instructor to add variety to the class, and increase the difficulty of the exercises.
What can I expect?
The classes are mat based, varied and adapted to specific postnatal rehabilitation needs. We encourage postural and spinal alignment, deep abdominal and pelvic stability work in a variety of positions – standing, high kneeling and seated. A basic level of fitness is preferable. You will be closely monitored by our Pilates instructors, all of whom are physiotherapists. This allows them to tailor the exercises to your needs and adjust any exercises which you are having difficulty with. Prior to commencing the class, you will be asked to fill in a medical screening form (this is standard procedure for all participants).
What should I bring?
You will require a mat and a small equipment pack which you can purchase online. Your instructor will have spares for your first session. Dress as you would for a fitness class, we do the class in bare feet or socks. Bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated! Please bring a mat and some entertainment for your baby. Please note on your first class, we ask that you arrive at least 5 minutes early. This is to allow you enough time to discuss any issues with the instructor. If you have any post-natal concerns we might advise you to contact Tess via email ([email protected]) prior to starting the class (take out 1:1 session)
Live Classes
Postnatal Barre (6 week blocks) Tuesday 11.30-12.30pm. Contact for more information.

Over 60’s
Why Over 60’s?
Our 60+ classes are suitable for those over 60 years of age and cater to all abilities, including complete beginners. Your instructor will offer options within the class, allowing you to work at your own level. As the classes are physiotherapy led we are happy to modify the classes to encompass different musculoskeletal conditions e.g. Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, low back pain and other joint ailments. The 50+ class will be delivered at a slightly quicker pace than the 60+ class.
Is Over 60’s Pilates for me?
If you want a gentle form of exercise specifically working on balance, core control and at the same time increasing your endurance and fitness levels, this is the class for you. The exercises encourage increased confidence with mobility, help reduce balance issues, ultimately reducing your risk of falls. You will be closely monitored by our Pilates instructors, all of whom are physiotherapists. This allows them to tailor the exercises to your needs, and adjust any exercises which you are having difficulty with. If you have any concerns then please get in touch and you can get in touch via email ([email protected]) with Tess first to discuss the best class and management.
What can I expect?
The classes are mat based but can easily be adapted to seated or standing if required and will focus on the key principles of Pilates and will help develop your strength, tone, flexibility and improve your posture. A basic level of fitness is helpful but not essential. We provide a variety of modifications for all needs. Small equipment may be used within the class, allowing the instructor to add variety to the class, and increase the difficulty of the exercises if required. Prior to commencing the class you will be asked to fill in a medical screening form (this is standard procedure for all participants).
What should I bring?
You will require a mat. Dress as you would for a fitness class, we do the class in bare feet or socks. Bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated!